New York State Academy of Mineralogy (NYSAM)

The New York State Museum is one of the oldest state museums in the United States. For over 150 years, the Museum has been the repository for materials representing the natural and cultural heritage of the State. There are several collections of geological specimens, with mineral specimens sub-divided into New York and non-New York localities. Other geologic collections include rocks, ores and artifacts, gems, meteorites, diamond drill core, oil and gas well drill cuttings, and fossils.

The catalog of museum-accessioned minerals with New York State locations, numbering over 11,000 entries, is available here.


Download the 255 page file. (NYSAM_2018.PDF)


The Academy of Mineralogy is a not for profit organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding and appreciation of the minerals and mineralogy of New York State. The chief goals of the organization are to work with the New York State Museum to promote the study of New York State's mineralogy and to facilitate the gathering of exceptional individual specimens and outstanding collections for preservation in the New York State Museum.